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Feature Property

TAMWORTH $185,000

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Property Location: 60 Kyooma Street Hillvue Tamworth - TAMWORTH - NSW

Listing Id: 21372169  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   


Size: 664 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Located in an elevated position in the Hillvue area, 60 Kyooma Street offers a great opportunity for the first home buyer or an investor looking to get into the market. A larger home than first impressions with three double bedrooms, spacious kitchen that overlooks the dining / lounge room with elevated views from the front balcony to the East of Tamworth. The home offers ducted evaporative cooling and gas heating for all year-round comfort. Downstairs there is a great oversized single garage and workshop or storage area. Great home in a central location close to shops, schools, parks and transport. Call Peel Valley Real Estate Tamworth to arrange an inspection, as this one will not last!!


Contact Peel Valley Real Estate Tamworth Today!!!

Contact Robert Miller
Phone 0427 666 006

Contact Ava Gao
Phone 02 5733 4111

Property ID:21372169
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