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Feature Property

TAMWORTH $639,000

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Property Location: 1 Cory Street TAMWORTH - NSW

Listing Id: 21396147  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   


Size: 627 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Located just minutes from local shops, schools, hospitals, and the CBD, this property is an excellent opportunity for first-time buyers or investors. The bright and airy kitchen effortlessly flows into a welcoming lounge room at the front of the home, creating a comfortable and functional living space. For added convenience, a second family room at the rear provides extra room for growing families, ensuring ample space for everyone. Step outside to the backyard, where a covered pergola awaits, perfect for enjoying afternoon BBQs or providing a shaded play area for children. The yard is well-equipped with side access, offering a practical space for parking a car, boat, or other vehicles. Situated on a 627 sqm block in a desirable street, this home combines value with a great location. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a property that meets all your needs. Contact Peel Valley Real Estate today to schedule an inspection and see for yourself everything this home has to offer.


Contact Peel Valley Real Estate Tamworth Today!!!

Contact Robert Miller
Phone 0427 666 006

Contact Ava Gao
Phone 02 5733 4111

Property ID:21396147
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