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Feature Property

TAMWORTH $639,000

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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia


Property Location: 3 Nardoo Place Hillvue TAMWORTH - NSW

Listing Id: 21396201  


Bedrooms: 4    Bathrooms: 2    Garages: 2   


Size: 886 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Welcome to your perfect family retreat! This single-level 4-bedroom home offers ample space and comfort for everyone. The master suite features a convenient ensuite and a walk-in robe, ensuring a private sanctuary for relaxation. The galley-style kitchen, equipped with a dishwasher, range hood, and electric oven, seamlessly overlooks the expansive family room, making it ideal for both everyday living and entertaining. Step outside to discover a fully covered entertaining area that connects effortlessly to the level 886m² backyard, which is fully fenced for added security and privacy. Enjoy the added benefits of evaporative cooling and gas points, ensuring year-round comfort. With parkland just over the fence and nestled in a peaceful cul-de-sac, this home offers a serene environment while remaining close to essential amenities. This property combines practical features with a welcoming atmosphere, making it an excellent choice for families seeking a comfortable and enjoyable living experience. Your new home awaits, ready for you to spread out and make lasting memories. Call Peel Valley Real Estate Tamworth to arrange an inspection.


Contact Peel Valley Real Estate Tamworth Today!!!

Contact Robert Miller
Phone 0427 666 006

Contact Ava Gao
Phone 02 5733 4111

Property ID:21396201
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