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Ideal family home or investment property in Woolgoolga

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Downsize for lifestyle and location!

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Opening on: Friday 20/09 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Property Location: 1/48 Melaleuca Ave Woolgoolga - COFFS HARBOUR - NSW

Listing Id: 21392838  




1 1.5




Size: 254 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Properties like this are seldom on the market - a single level detached dwelling, beautiful bushland and creek surroundings, private easy-care courtyard, flat 320m (approx.) walk to the sand and a little further to Woolgoolga CBD, all located in sought after "Sunset Lakes".
This brick and tile villa boasts three light filled bedrooms, all with large BIR's, three-way bathroom with bath and access from the master bedroom, open plan living and dining room with air-con, and single garage with laundry area and separate toilet. There is also a large paved easy-care courtyard with free-standing patio roof, northerly facing sun filled front garden and plenty of room for those with a green thumb to beatify the yard even more.
One of only two villas in a self-managed strata, this property is perfect for retirees, first home buyers or even as a great investment property or holiday unit - the opportunities are endless!
What stands out for this one-of-a-kind property is its location - take a short flat walk into town, to Woolgoolga Lake or through the bushland and Creekside tracks to the beach.
This property won't last long on the market - inspect today before it's too late! Contact Fay Smith 0418 213 818 or Clara Seymour 0456 294 455 for more information.

Downsize for lifestyle and location!

Contact Cardow & Partners Property Woolgoolga Today!!!

Contact Fay Smith
Phone 0418 213 818

Contact Clara Seymour
Phone 0456 294 455

Property ID:21392838
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