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Woopi Industrial Bay Opportunity

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Real Estate Australia

Ideal family home or investment property in Woolgoolga

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Property Location: 68 Nightingale Street Woolgoolga - COFFS HARBOUR - NSW

Listing Id: 21398878  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   


Size: 702 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Located in the heart of Woolgoolga, this elevated brick and tile home offers a move-in ready home, and the potential to unlock substantial value with your own personalised renovations in the future.
Ideal for first home buyers, families and downsizers alike, the property is single level throughout, with three good sized bedrooms with BIR's and ceiling fans, main bathroom, separate toilet, and laundry with second toilet and direct external access.
The lounge room is spacious, and the separate dining room opens out to the covered alfresco area, flowing through to the kitchen tucked away at the rear of the home.
What makes this property stand out from the rest is the expansive fenced backyard - with views to the mountains and an established mango tree providing shade and privacy.
There is also a single remote garage with internal access, and alfresco entertaining space with fly-over roof providing a year-round external dining and living space to enjoy the temperate climate we enjoy in the sought after beachside town of Woolgoolga.
Presenting an ideal property for first home buyers, or an opportunity for investors to get their foot in the door of a competitive Woolgoolga market, don't miss out on the opportunity to inspect today!
Properties in this price bracket are in high demand and short supply, contact Clara Seymour 0456294455 or Fay Smith 0418213818 for more information.

Ideal family home or investment property in Woolgoolga

Contact Cardow & Partners Property Woolgoolga Today!!!

Contact Clara Seymour
Phone 0456 294 455

Contact Fay Smith
Phone 0418 213 818

Property ID:21398878
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